Speakers | Program | Registration | Organizers

The fourth Human-aligned AI Summer School will be held in Prague from 17th to 20th July 2024. We will meet for four intensive days of talks, workshops, and discussions covering latest trends in AI alignment research and broader framings of AI alignment research. Apply now.

Format of the school

The school is focused on teaching and exploring approaches and frameworks, less on presentation of the latest research results. The content of the school is mostly technical – it is assumed the attendees understand current ML approaches and some of the underlying theoretical frameworks.

The intended audience of the school are researchers interested in learning more about the AI alignment topics, PhD students, researchers working in ML/AI outside academia, and talented students. It is recommended that the participants have a basic general understanding of the AI alignment problem, although the school does not assume deep knowledge of the topics.

This year, the school will cover these main topics:

The school consists of lectures and topical series, focused smaller-group workshops and discussions, expert panels, and opportunities for networking, project brainstorming and informal discussions.
A detailed program will be announced shortly before the event. See below for a program outline and e.g. the program of the previous school for an illustration of the program content and structure.

Confirmed speakers

We are in the process of confirming additional speakers and will update the list over time.

Registration and fees

Applications for the summer school are open.

We recommend applying early, as applications are evaluated on a rolling basis and capacity is limited. In particular, we expect to fill most spaces by the first week of June.

The price of the school is EUR 250 with a discounted price of EUR 100 for students and independent researchers, and includes full catering and all conference events.

We have a limited number of scholarships for participants from disadvantaged backgrounds and in difficult situations, covering the price of the school and subsidizing travel and accommodation costs. If you require financial support to attend the school, please indicate this in your application and we will contact you with an application for support.

Program of the school

A detailed program is available in the school Swapcard. Any major updates are also announced on the event Discord. The overall schedule is as follows:

Tuesday, July 16

18:00 Informal pre-school welcome social

Wednesday, July 17 – Friday, July 19

9:00 Venue opens for breakfast
9:30 — 18:00 Conference program at the Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering in Prague Old Town, Břehová 78/7, Praha 1
~18:30 Evening conference events

Saturday, July 20

9:00 Venue opens for breakfast
9:30 — 17:00 Conference program at the Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering in Prague Old Town, Břehová 78/7, Praha 1
Catered lunch, coffee breaks, and light breakfast are provided during the conference days.

Sunday, July 21

The morning after the school is reserved for informal discussions, project brainstorming, coworking etc. We will provide and recommend some locations for this, and help with coordination. For people continuing to ICML, there are direct train connections from Prague to Vienna taking approximately 4 hours and running several times a day.

Proposing workshop sessions

The school will have several smaller-group workshop sessions, consisting of presenting new topics, interactive activities, and discussion on narrower or technical topics, offered by both invited speakers and selected participants of the school.

If you are interested in presenting a workshop, please send us a brief description of the workshop content (about half a page) along with the intended format and target audience, noting your expertise within the area. Note that the expectation is not to necessarily present your own work, but rather to provide content and activities that enrich the school for other participants. If we think your workshop is a good fit we will get back to you and discuss the content of the workshop in more detail and help you refine it for the school.


Program: Jan Kulveit, Tomáš Gavenčiak, and Daniel Filan
Operations: Viktorie Havlíčková
Organized by Alignment of Complex Systems research and Center for Theoretical Study, Charles University, Prague

📧 Contact us at haaiss@acsresearch.org